Chapter 45 (Rewrite)

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I walked into the kitchen and fixed myself a drink. My phone started ringing, and I pulled it out of my pocket before glimpsing at the ID. It was James. I hesitated to pick up but answered anyway. I knew it had to be something serious for him to call me.

"What do you want?" I scoffed into the phone.

"Elliot is missing," his voice panicked. Hearing James panic always made my stomach drop sickly, and James rarely panicked. My mind raced through all the Elliots I may know. I wasn't friends with any, except one.

"Elliot as in the gang leader of the fourth gang?" I questioned, hoping I was wrong.

"Yes! When was the last time you and him talked?" he asked. I took a moment to think, "Probably about a month before my graduation. After that, he told me the organization put him on narcotics," I recalled. Elliot was a gang leader in the organization. His gang came in fourth place, while mine was still first. We weren't close, but we weren't strangers either. Occasionally, when we had big cookouts, he would come over. He was the sweetest gang leader out of the rest of them in the organization. 

"He was supposed to be back from a mission yesterday."

"Well, why are you calling me? Shouldn't there be a search team looking for him?" I stated confused.

I heard some shuffling, then a door closing. He probably went into another room for privacy. "I don't think he's missing. I think Lucifer has him," he whispered. "That's just crazy. I was just now with Lucifer for the whole day, and I doubt he would want Elliot, and besides, Elliot is a nice person," I defended.

"Sky, one of his guys who was lucky to be alive, said he saw a bunch of guys with pitch-black eyes, and they just took him and disappeared. No one believes him, so they put him through screening to see if he was drugged, but everything came back clean," James informed me.

I felt the room close in as I realized what was happening. James kept talking but everything came muffled. The only thing I could hear was a drum beating in my ear. I dropped my phone and ran out of the kitchen. I ran down the hall and used my powers to open every door. All but one door opened, which was straight down the hallway. I ran up to the metal door and tried to use my powers to open the door but it didn't budge. "What are you doing?" a voice came from behind me, causing me to jump.

I turned to the person five feet away. "Open the door," I demanded, pointing to the knob. He shook his head. "Sorry, I was on strict orders not to open this door for your own safety," the guy stated.

I let out a growl and turned to the metal door. I focused my power. I placed my palms on the door, and within a swift move, I banged on the door, causing it to fly off the hinges. A hand grabbed my shoulder from behind and I grabbed their wrist before bending it. I turned around and used my powers to throw the guy across the hall. 

Turning on my heels, I ran down the stairs and felt my stomach sink further at what I was currently witnessing. Two guys were standing on both sides of Elliot, holding him up as he was too weak to stand. He was in bad condition, but that's not what made me sink. It was Lucifer's hand inside his chest, ripping his heart out within a blink. The guys let go of Elliot's body, and I watched as it lifelessly fell to the ground.

I let out a loud gasp, and all heads turned towards me. I watched as Lucifer's head turned to look at me. His eyes were black with satisfaction written all over his face, but it dropped when he saw me. My eyes flickered to Elliot's body on the floor, which was still gasping for air. How is this possible? How is he still moving?

"Boss, I'm so sorry. She broke the door open," the guy behind me said, grabbing my hand. I quickly grabbed his wrist and bent his hand behind his back not long before twisting his neck. I heard a bunch of murmurs around the room. Ignoring them, I ran over to Elliot's body and knelt down near him.

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