Always there

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((Now that finals is over I've started to write again! C: Thanks for joining me on another adventure!)

It had been weeks after the competition, and things had been disastrous. You haven't seen Yuri in what seemed like forever, but then again you couldn't blame him. You sigh softly watching the clock as your shift was almost over. It was rather boring due to the fact that you worked at a grocery store and helped the same people day after day. You smile when your shift ends and take your bag leaving the store. You decide to go check up on Yuri being sure to text him to see if it was alright 'Yuri I'm coming over alright?' you weren't paying attention as he quickly started to reply. 'no! No, don't come over! Not now!' you frown zoning out from the world around you. 'Why not? I'm heading over right now anyway.' There wasn't any reply and your message was left unread. You huff softly as the flow of traffic passes by you. It was a rather long walk and the wind was starting to turn a rather bitter cold, it was getting dark after all. Once you get to the inn you smile bowing to Yuri's family "Hello! I'm sorry to intrude!" Yuri's mom smiles happily "Oh Y/N! It's so lovely to see you! Welcome back! Yuri's up in his room." You smile and nods "It's lovely to see you as well! I'll be heading up there now, thank you!" You smile and head up to his room being sure to knock "Yuri? It's Y/N!" You call into the room. He didn't respond causing you to worry "I'm coming in alright?" You open the door to see Yuri sitting on his bed hugging his knees and had tears streaming down his face. The moonlight was shining through his window and making his tears shimmer. Your heart shattered at the pain in his eyes and you just stood at the entrance for a while. Yuri was quick to try and rub his tears away "Y-Y/N! I told you not to come.." Before he could say anything else your move over to him quickly hugging him. He was shocked but slowly wrapped his hands around you crying into your shoulder. You sigh softly and smooth his hair in an attempt to comfort him "Geez... You idiot... You can always talk to me you know." He nods and cries into your shoulder, giving up on trying to not cry and sobbing rather loudly "I-I know I'm sorry.." He whispers. You sigh and held him close just letting him cry "I'm always here.." you whisper and held him close.

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