The Love of Yuri Plisetsky

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You watch as Yurio leaves, everyone in the room was silent. What were you supposed to do? You bite your lip debating and turn to Yuri "I'm going to go make sure that he'll be alright." Yuri nods and watches as you run off clearly shocked and confused about what happened. You run after Yurio and see him walking across the street, it was starting to snow but you didn't care. Your friend was upset and you had to find out why. "Yurio!" He tried to ignore you despite the fact that you knew he could hear you "Yurio!" You yell again a bit louder.

You were now sprinting after him trying to catch up to him, he was walking so you were getting closer to him. You get closer to him and were only a few feet away until you slip on the ice with a yelp falling back onto your tailbone. You whine softly in pain rubbing the bottom of your tailbone "idiot." You hear from above you. There was Yurio with his hand out to help you up "Why did you think running in the middle of winter was a good idea?" You laugh a little and rub the back of your neck "I didn't, I just saw that you were upset and I didn't just want to let you leave angry.." He let out a soft huff the air being shown in the cold air.

"Why are you angry anyway...?" He seemed to think and debate on telling you before he sat down beside you. The two of you were just sitting in the middle of the sidewalk "I was mad because he never gives you the attention you deserve... If it was me then I would treat you with respect! You would be the first and last thing I think of every day!" You couldn't help the small blush that formed on your cheeks, it was quite cute "Yurio.." You whisper before you could say anything else he kisses you. You were in utter shock and for some reason didn't pull away, and that's when you hear it. The sound of a photo being taken.

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