First Skate pt: 2

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You let out an amazed hum while he does a flawless flying sit spin. You finally hear the announcer once your heart finally catches up with your mind "The first jump planned his a triple axel." You watch him intently as he goes from spread eagle formation into a triple axel! His face seemed so cool and collected, completely different from the Yuri you knew before but it was... Drawing you more to him! "Okay, the next jump is a...Quadruple Salchow!" The announcer says and you were now on your feet watching him, the grace, the poisonous sexiness... The eros.

You watch as he leaps into the air spinning once, twice, three times... and the fourth! He lands and you clap happily with the rest of the crowd. You were burning with pride, even if he failed even if he didn't make it... He was enjoying what he was doing, and nothing was more amazing than seeing someone do what they love. You watch the step sequence before he does a quadruple toe loop followed by a triple toe loop!

You watch amazed and stand up with the rest of the crowd "He's about to complete a short program with the highest technical difficulty in History!" You watch as he spins on the ice in a flying sit spin, does a few more steps to the music and then he... He did it! You stand and cheer for him as loud as you can along with everyone else. He held his pose before bowing as flowers were thrown onto the ice for him. Your heart fluttered as he looks right at you and smiles sweetly.

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