Relaxation at Barcelona!

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    You sigh softly as you slip your feet into the pool, sure it was December but the chance to swim was too good to pass up! You jump into the water and let yourself float back up to the surface. It was an amazing hotel, and had an even better pool! You smile looking up at the beautiful stars, the stars were far brighter than they were at home. How long had it been since you left? You try and think with a soft sigh, six whole months, that's how long you had been dating Yuri for. You blush softly at the thought, had it really been that long? 

    Time really did fly by with everything that was going on. You blink when you hear someone talking "Y/N? What are you doing up here?" It was Victor and he was in his swimsuit. You smile and swim over to the side of the pool "Just relaxing and thinking." Victor smiles "I think I might join you!" he drops his towel and jumps in creating a big splash. You laugh and cover your eyes in order to not get any water in them. You smile and shake your head when he pops back up from under the water "Cold!" he yells. You just laugh at him "of course it is!" He just shakes his head with a laugh "Come take pictures with me Y/N!"

     You smile but laugh "Alright, alright why not." Victor laughs and got out of the pool getting his camera "Ready?" The two of you spent almost an hour taking amazing selfies, even Chris came up. Once you were sure you almost had frost bite you headed back to your room "That water was freezing!" Yuri rubs his eyes sleepily and you laugh "Sorry did I wake you?" He shakes his head no with a yawn. You just laugh he was clearly saying no in order to make you feel better "well I'm going to take a shower!" 

//Picture credit:

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