Getting Ready for the Grand Prix Final Free Skate!

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Today was the day, it was time for the final free skate. You sigh softly and get changed into your everyday clothes. It was a special day sure, but you'd rather be comfy. Once you leave the room you could feel the thick air, Victor was waiting for you and was looking at the ground in thought not even noticing you. "Victor..?" You whisper softly and he looks up at you snapping out of his thoughts "oh! Y/N! I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention, Yuri is waiting in the car." You could tell right away that he had a fake smile, though there wasn't anything you could do about it "right.."

Victor lead you to the car and you got in, sitting in the back with Yuri. He didn't even greet you which was strange but you knew why. "Yuri..?" he hums and glances over to you not even talking "Is everything alright? You seem... Sad." He fakes a smile as well and shakes his head "everything is fine." He returns his gaze to out the window. You sigh as Victor heads to the stadium "we both know that's a lie..." you mumble under your breath so no one would hear. Once you get there you look up to the large T.V to see who was placed where, after all, you didn't get the chance to look. In first place was... Yurio!?

You go wide-eyed but smile happily, he had worked hard. You hear the familiar cries of fangirls and turn to see yuri's angels all cheering for Yurio. You smile happily and his eyes land on you, he waves to you and you wave back. Yuri didn't seem to care, he didn't seem to care about anything. He just kept walking so you had to run to catch up to him. There had to be something you could do for him, something that would make him love ice skating once more... But what could you do?

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