The Encounter with Yurio!

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    Barcelona was extremely cold in winter. You were wrapped up in a large winter coat and a scarf that Yuri had gotten you. You sigh softly and look up at the cloudy sky, it almost looked like it was going to snow. You look around while you sat on one of the park benches, you and Yuri had agreed to meet there for a date. You were there a whole ten minutes early, and the chances were that Yuri was still training. You sigh softly at the fact that it was your own fault you were this cold. You should have brought a hat or something else to keep you warm. You hug your knees in an attempt to keep warm before you hear it "Y/N!" You blink and look over to see it was Yurio? He went over and looked at you confused "What are you cold or something?"

     You couldn't help the shaking of your arms and knees nodding quickly. He looked shocked by this but sighs and took off his hat placing it on your head "idiot. You should have worn more layers." You laugh a little thankful for the hat "Thank you Yurio." He blushes and looks away "You can keep it, just don't go losing it alright?" You could hear the distant screech of fan-girls signaling that Yurio had been found. He clenched up and quickly made a run for it "Good luck!" You shout after him with a laugh. 

    It was less than two minutes after that Yuri came over "Y/N! I'm sorry to make you wait, how long have you been here for?" You smile and get up "Not long, just a few minutes." he nods and blinks confused at the hat "Isn't that Yurio's hat?" You smile and nod "Yeah! He passed by and saw that I was cold so he gave it to me! Wasn't that sweet?" He just nods a hint of jealousy behind his eyes. You smile and place a gentle kiss to his lips "Now shall we go enjoy our date?"

//Picture credit:

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