The Proposal

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((The chapter everyone has been waiting for!)

It had been the next morning and for some reason Victor woke the both of you up early, saying that this was the last time that you could both go sight seeing. You were extremely tired but it seemed Yuri was set to go sight seeing one last time. You sigh softly but get up and take your clothes to the bathroom to change. It was once again rather cold so you wore long sleeves, a jacket, and of course Yurio's hat that he so kindly gave you. Once you walk outside you could hear both Yuri and Victor whispering about something, and did Victor have a camera? You hum softly but sigh "Yuri? Are you ready to go?" He jumped at the sound of your voice and froze up, Victor had to turn him "You two have fun alright!" You blink confused but nod anyway "See you soon." You hold your hand out to Yuri, which he gladly takes.

"Is everything alright? Are you nervous about the Grand Prix Final?" He quickly nods "Yeah! Yeah! That's it!" You were rather confused on why he was acting like this but go along with it anyway. He seemed to know where he wanted to go so the two of you make your way through the crowds. The skies were clouded and it looked like it was going to snow soon. You sigh softly and look around, Yuri was seemingly set to go somewhere. Soon he stopped and you look up seeing a beautifully large church "Wow Yuri... It's beautiful!" outside the churches choir sang, why you weren't sure but it did fill the places with a holy setting. Snow began to drift from the sky coating the city with a white blanket. You were far too busy taking in the beautiful church and choir that you didn't notice Yuri drop to a knee "Y/N..." He whispers softly to get your attention. You look over and gasp softly covering your mouth in shock.

He looked at you his eyes having a beautiful shine "Y/N... You mean the world to me... You've stayed by my side even when I'm busy with practice and ice skating..." You couldn't help the blush and pure thrill building up inside of you. His pinks turned a rosy pink and he opened the box "W-Will you marry me?" You smile a few happy tears going down your face "Of course Yuri!" He smiles happily looking up at you amazed "Really?!" You nod and laugh, happy tears streaming down your face. He takes your hand and gladly slips the ring onto your finger "I'm so glad.." You waste no time tackling your lover making him fall over into the now forming snow. The two of you laugh and he gladly holds you, giving no mind to the snow.

//Picture credit:

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