The Wedding Party

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Your heart was beating, of course it was you were going to live with Yuri Katuski with the rest of your life. You were married to your best friend, your lover and you never wanted to be apart. The both of you just stared into each others eyes for a few seconds just enjoying each other's company and the warmth of your forehead's against each other. You both had such a big bright smile on your faces, Victor was the one that had to come over "Hey guys come cut the cake so we can eat!" You both giggle softly, of course Victor wanted the cake, Yurio was looking at an ice sculpture of a tiger his eyes shining as brightly as the ice. You smile and kiss your husband with a happy giggle "Hold on." You go over to Yurio "Yurio, would you do me a big favor and take a ton of pictures for me?" He blinks seemingly thinking "if I do what's in it for me?" You hum in though trying to think of something "You can have the third slice of cake?" He seemed to think about it before nodding "deal. I'll post them online." You smile happily "Thank you!"

You go back to Yuri happily kissing him, the both of you blush and giggle happily. You both nod at each other and take the knife together "Ready?" You smile and nod the two of you cutting the first slice of cake. You laugh and blush as people clap and cheer, you place the slice of cake onto a plate and let someone else take over. Victor, of course, was second to get a piece and Yuri was quick to get in line as well. You and Yuri gladly take your slice and head to the tables. Once you were both settled you fed each other, you had gotten a bit of the icing on the top of his lip and rub your finger over it and lick the icing from your finger. You blink and look at Yuri while he stares at you with a bright red blush. It didn't take long for everyone to settle down and finish eating. It was nice to just settle down and enjoy each other's company. Though Yuri takes your hand and leads you away from the party, making you laugh "where are we going? We still have our dance to do you know!" He laughs happily and smiles sweetly at you "we're going to our first dance!" After the both of you pass a clearing of a few tree's a beautiful ice rink stood there, seemingly fixed up. You smile happily and laugh covering your mouth shocked ad amazed. Yuri smiled and bowed offering to take your hand "may I have this dance?"

You gladly take his hand with a smile "You may.." He leads you to the ice rink and got his ice-skating shoes on, and you do as well. It was a good thing your dress wasn't too long! The both of you take the ice and pair skate once more. This was it, this was your husband, your life, your future. Through all of the challenges you had both made it here, together, and now you could face everything life had to throw at you. You both laugh as you spin together under the light of the stars, you didn't even notice how late it was. But the stars just made Yuri's eyes sparkle, but like all good things they have to end. You both leave the ice breathing heavily, your phone goes off and you blink confused. You open your phone and it showed pictures of you and Yuri getting married, exchanging rings, cutting the cake, and even dancing under the stars, he even had a picture of the ice tiger sculpture. The header read "Congratulations to Yuri Katuski and Y/N for their wedding! I'm expecting a challenge for next season Yuri and don't you dare let Y/N down again! I won't give up easily though!" You laugh softly and show it to Yuri who laughs as well shaking his head. He smiles and kisses you tipping you so you could see the beautiful stars above "I love you Yuri..." He smiles sweetly giving you a loving kiss "I love you too."

//That's it! That's the end of the story! Thank you all for joining me on this adventure and I hope you loved it!

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