His Inspiration

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    You bite your lip and hold onto the small scrapbook that you had made, you knew what he was coming over to tell you. Yuri went to you and sighs softly looking down at the ground "Y/N... I have something to te-" you bite your lip hard before looking him dead in the eyes "Shut up!" He looked at you shocked "Don't you dare tell me you want to retire." He seemed utterly shocked that you knew already. You shove the book into his chest making him take a few steps back.

    "Y/N..?" He says shocked but opened it anyway. Inside were picture of the two of you when you were kids, and then teens, all the way up to your first date. "You're telling me that all of our work, all of our time put into you learning to ice skating was worthless...?" He looked at the pictures shocked at a loss for words. You tear up your emotions getting the best of you "Ice skating has always been your life! Don't you dare give up now! Not after how hard you've trained, how long you spent on the ice... After everything... Don't give up..." You whisper a few tears going down your face.

    He looked at you and gently lifted your chin kissing your tears away "Don't cry Y/N..." He whispers lovingly. A smile grew on his face "You were always my inspiration... Thank you for inspiring once more." It was your turn to be shocked and you just look at him amazed. He smiles sweetly, the sparkle returning into his eyes "Just watch, promise me alright?" You smile happily getting filled with joy and you hug him tightly "I promise!" 

//Picture credit: http://katsilla.tumblr.com/post/158590984796/and-here-is-my-drawing-of-yuuri-yoi-is-life

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