Tears of Happiness

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You couldn't help but to get up and run. You never ran so fast in your life. You ran as fast as you could to the rink Victor stopping the guards from pulling you back. Your eyes were trained on the skater as the cheers from the crowd could be heard "Yuri!" You try and yell over the crowd. His eyes dart around the crowd trying to find where you had gone, and then he looked at the rink entrance. You were standing there, tears going down your face.

Though you couldn't really blame yourself. After years of watching Yuri skate and seeing him do something so amazing? He couldn't help but to laugh and skate over to you, laying a soft and loving kiss onto your lips. The crowd goes insane, cheering widely. Your heart starts to pound but you kiss back and hug him close. He laughs and rubs your back lovingly "Y/N! Don't cry..." He couldn't help but smile anyway, even when you were crying it was cute.

You shake your head and he just sighs a little "Come on then, at least let us get you some tissues." You laugh a little but nod anyway. He smiles and held your waist in order to help you in your teary-eyed state. The two of you left the rink the crowd still going wild.

//Picture credit: http://orig01.deviantart.net/10cd/f/2016/317/6/3/yuri_katsuki___by_dyoun77-dao962i.jpg

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