Shopping Date!

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((I found this really cool drawing and didn't want to lose it so have another chapter!)

Yuri held your hand as the two of you made your way down the streets of Barcelona, where you were going you had no idea. Yuri smiles softly at you "if you want to stop anywhere just let me know alright?" It clicked in place that it was a shopping date "Alright!" You smile softly at him and look at the stores. From the corner of your eye, you notice a beautiful Christmas area. You stop making Yuri stop as well, you point to the pathway your eyes sparkling like a child "Can we go there?" Yuri let out a soft laugh at how absolutely adorable you look "Sure why not!" He smiles and started to walk, you were quick to follow almost dragging him stand to stand.

There was one stand that really got your attention. It had snow globes lined up of all of the beautiful places in Barcelona. You smile and let go of Yuri's hand going to the stand and looking at the globes amazed. Something else had caught Yuri's eyes and he glanced back to you "I'll be right back alright?" You nod amazed by the snow globes and even shaking a few up. You smile and take out your wallet buying one of the smaller ones, just to remember your time here. You look around for Yuri curious to see where he went off to.

You blink seeing him walking out of the expensive jewelry store, what was he doing in there? He had a receipt so he must have gotten something... Curiosity fills you as you couldn't see what he had gotten but smile anyway going over to him. He was blushing the second you came over to him "ready to go on with our date Y/N?" You nod and smile "of course!" You take his hand and sigh happily, well whatever it was he was happy that's all you could have really asked for.

//picture credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now