Officially dating?

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    Yuri had refused to do his interview while you were crying, it was sweet but the last thing you needed was Yuri to miss his score. You had calmed down quite a bit "Go, Yuri... You'll miss your score!" He looked at you in the eyes holding your hands to see if you were done crying "Are you sure?" You laugh and nod gently kissing him "go on!" The new reporter smiles at the two of you "Actually I was wondering if I could interview the both of you?" 

    You go wide-eyed, you'd never had an interview "I-I uhm.." You look to Yuri him knowing how flustered you get under pressure. He smiles and kisses your head "You'll do fine." You smile and take his hand sitting down with him on the seats. The news reporter gets ready to film and your heart was pounding, what were you supposed to do? Yuri places a hand on yours and smiles calmingly at you. You couldn't help but smile at him as the interview started "Mr. Katsuki, we understand that you had done a quadruple flip at the end of your program? Did you have any inspiration for that?" 

    Yuri smiles and nods happily "of course! It's Y/N." You blush and cover your cheeks. The news reporter smiles "Are you and Y/N dating?" He hums softly "Well I mean, we went on a date but I haven't asked yet..." He turns to you and your cheeks burn "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend/ boyfriend?" You were stunned at a loss for words and all you could do was nod quickly. He laughs laying a soft kiss onto your forehead "How cute..."

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