Sleepy call

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The both of you ended up going home early in order to get some sleep before the competition tomorrow. Though you couldn't sleep and sigh upset sitting up glancing over at the clock seeing it was now 12:00 at night. You groan softly and get up to get a snack if you weren't going to sleep you weren't going to be hungry. You go through your fridge and end up just getting a bowl of cereal.

You sit down on the Soffa scrolling through the Tumblr to pass the time why you ate your cereal. After hours of mindless scrolling, someone calls you almost making you drop your phone. You go wide-eyed but pick up to hear Yuri's voice "Good morning..." You smile trying to not laugh at how cute he sounded when he was sleepy.

"Good morning sleepy head. What are you doing up?" You could hear him laugh sleepily "Because we have a competition to go to? In an hour?" You went wide-eyed realizing what little time you had to get ready "Crap." You could hear Yuri laugh "Hurry up we're coming in about 30 minutes." You nod and thank Yuri, getting up quickly and went to get ready.

//Picture credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now