1,000 read special!

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(Horray! We hit 1,000 reads! Thank you all so much!)

The two of you smile while you eat Y/F/I/C, there was something so relaxing about just going out with Yuri. Tomorrow the stress would be high but for now, you two were together and relaxing, and that's all you wanted. You look at your ice cream in thought and Yuri noticed right away. "Y/N are you alright?" You smile and laugh rubbing the back of your neck "Yes! Sorry I was just thinking.."

Yuri frowns knowing when something was wrong "What were you thinking about?" You look down and sadly sigh "I'm worried about the competition. It's your first really big competition and I can't help but worry about you. The last one didn't exactly go very well.." You look up and see him frowning but resting his hand on your cheek "I know. But I'm a lot stronger than I was back then."

You nod and smiles softly with a blush leaning into his hand. Yuri's hand were always so warm despite how long he spends at the ice rink. He never wore gloves either, so it was mystery to you. But all you knew is that this was important to him, and that's all you needed to know.he moves his hand and you finish up the rest of your ice cream. Yuri soon finished after you and you lean over the table gently kissing him. "Thank you for coming along." He laughs with a blush "I-I didn't have a choice anyway."

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now