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   Victor sighs and helps you up "Y/N You're making a scene, do you even know what happened?" You frown and shake your head "Tell me." He chuckles sadly "well... When we were at the festival, I went to kiss him." You look at him shocked but let him go on "He... Stopped me and told me he didn't like me like that. He said he liked someone else." You frown shocked and confused, who would Yuri like if it wasn't Victor. Victor sighs and smooths his hair back "I've never been rejected before.." 

   You sigh "I'm sorry Victor, I really did think he liked you..." You rub the back of your neck. He shakes his head "While I tried to talk to him about why he didn't like me he ended up bumping into a barrel and rolled down the hill, landing on you." You frown and nod "So that's how it happened." "VICTOR!" You turn around and see Yuri catching his breath. You move next to Yurio and Victor went over "Yuri... what's going on..?" You watch as Yuri got up and started to talk to Victor, explaining everything and why he didn't like him. 

    All though you couldn't hear because everyone was now talking so you turned to Yurio "Y/N.." he whispers softly looking off into the distance, deep in thought. You hum softly and look over to see if he was looking at something, but to your surprise, he said three words that you never expected to hear from his lips "I love you."

((Picture credit! )

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