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   After what happened with Victor, Yuri said he wanted to go home. He didn't seem to care about you being up and about, so you decided to go with. After all, Yurio went after Victor to see what was wrong. You glance up at Yuri and see a sad distant look in his eyes "Yuri..?" You whisper to him. He hums softly and looks back at you with a smile. It was fake, though. You could always see the pain in his eyes. But you had to know what happened between the two of them. You raise an eyebrow knowing he knew what you wanted to know. 

   He sighs softly and looks down at the ground "Just... Let's get home and get something to eat first." You nod deciding to let him think about what he was going to say first. While the two of you walked in silence you decided to check your phone to see what was happening on social media.

    Of course,Victor had blown up your phone with pictures of Yuri and how it's like being under the same roof with him. That's when you come across it, a picture posted two minutes ago of the train station 'heading back to Russia.' but with no emoji which was odd for him. You look up at Yuri worriedly. What was going on in his head?  

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now