Doesn't Matter if You Like it or Not

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    You frown sadly in thought, the competition started tomorrow and Yurio, A.K.A your ride had left somewhere unknown. You glance to Yuri who seemed just as troubled as you were. You take a large breath "Alright Yuri! We're going on a nice and relaxing date! Doesn't matter if  you like it or not!" He looked at you shocked from the yelling and what you said. Pink covered both of your cheeks and you grab his hand leading him into town.

    Yuri stumbles and had to jog with how fast you were walking "Where are you even going!" He calls over the noise of the people now recording and taking pictures. You blush but kept walking anyway "I have no idea!" You notice an ice cream shop that the two of you used to go to when you were kids. You smile and pull him in looking at the menu "What do you want?" He sighs and smooths his hair back "that's my line.."

   You hum and though "Y/F/I/C!" (your favorite ice cream) he nods and looks at the menu pulling his money out and paying for it as well as his favorite ice cream. You frown softly "I could have paid for it myself you know..." he laughs a little and went to sit down pulling you along "Then I wouldn't be much of a good date would I?" He smiles sweetly and you can't help but blush bright red.

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now