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   You sigh as you crawl into your bed, you were exhausted. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and if Yuri didn't get fourth or higher... He wouldn't get the chance to move on. You look over at your door wondering how he was doing until you fell asleep. You yawn when you wake up to the sun in your eyes it was rather bright... How late was it? You yawn and get up dragging yourself to the bathroom in order to get ready. You brush out your hair and wash your face before your eyes land on the clock behind you. 

    You were late, oh god Victor was going to scold you for sure. You quickly finish getting ready and run down "I'm sorry I'm late!" Victor looked at his watch "You're really late... The rankings already out." You look at Yuri apologetically but he didn't seem to mind at all, instead, he was looking nervous. You nod and frown worriedly "What rank does Yuri need to get to the Grand Prix?"

     Victor leans back in his chair "Fourth or higher.." You nod and look at Yuri, feeling the nervousness flowing off of him. You had to do something in order to calm him down "Yuri... I'm sure you'll do great." With that, you place a gentle kiss on his lips. He gladly kisses back his lips chapped and slightly cracked, you didn't mind though.

//Picture credit: https://ifellfromtheskies.tumblr.com/

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now