The first skate

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You watch the rink getting nervous for Yuri, he was up first and there were so many people here. You send a shiver down your spine at the thought of ice skating in front of these many people. You smile happily when you hear that it was getting ready to start soon, you had been dying to see Yuri's skate but Victor INSISTED that you don't see it until the actually skate. Your heart starts pounding as you see yuri enter the rink waving to the people before getting into position.

You smile and watch him, wondering what cute dance he was going to do. What you didn't expect was Yuri to lick his lips sexily when the music starts. You go wide-eyed and can't help turning bright red. As the music starts he moves his hands beautifully before he pops her leg out and turns looking at you right in the eyes and smirks.

Your legs got weak but you couldn't take your eyes off of him. You didn't even hear what song he was skating to because of how amazingly hot he looked while he was skating across the ice. The only thing you did catch was that he decided that his them was love. His step sequence was flawless, and you watched every move he made. He was shining like a god on that ice.

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