Yuri Makes it to the Grand Prix Final!

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You bite your lip praying that everything would work out, everyone had skated to the best of their ability and you were almost begging that Yuri made it in. Soon the score comes up, Yuri was in... Fourth! He made it! You got up and laugh happily clapping for everyone. Yuri let out a sigh of relief going to change when the scores came up. You watch as the others got their medals. You bite your lip and smile seeing them leave the ice, meaning you could go see Yuri now. You head out going past the changing room and see him hugging everyone. His eyes looked dull as he hugged JJ.

You could only look at him shocked he never hugged everyone like that. He turned and looked at Yurio, and began to chase him to hug him. Yurio was now sprinting away from him. You could only stare in shock as Yuri chases after him, was Yuri feeling alright? After almost an hour of Yuri hugging people the two of you left. It was snowing outside some snow littering the ground. Every step the two of you took left footprints behind you "Are you alright Yuri..?"

He nods with a smile looking up at the snow "I'm just glad that I made it.." He whispers. You smile and tilt his chin down leaving a soft and gentle kiss to his lips. He blushes red but kisses back. You soon pull away and smiles lovingly at him "I'm glad you made it too." You whisper lovingly.

//Picture credit: https://spiharu.tumblr.com/

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