Day Dream

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When you awake everything is silent, something you defiantly weren't used to. You look over and see the Russian Yuri was still there, though he was sitting at the inn desk and looking out the window. He seemed so peaceful, his blue eyes trained off into the distance. It was odd to see him like this but at the same time kind of relaxing "Yuri?" You call to him snapping him out of his thoughts. He sighs and sneers pulling his bangs from his face "Just call me Yurio, everyone else is already doing it. So it's not like I have much of a choice."

You couldn't help but laugh a little too yourself, looks like the Russian tiger had some kindness, even if he did try to hide it. His nose twitches with annoyances "What are you laughing at?" You smile and look at him with a happy laugh "Well the Russian Tiger is more like a cat!" He looked at you shocked, somewhere between angry and happy "Cat...?" Was all he could get out. you nod and go to talk once more but were interrupted by a knock at the door "Yurio! Is Y/N awake?" It was your Yuri calling from the door.

Yurio got up and stretches with a sigh "Yeah she's up now." He opened the door and went out placing his arms behind his back. You went to call to him but he was already gone and instead, Yuri walks in. Yuri had a kind and relaxed smile on his face "I'm sorry I was gone for the last two days... I wanted to make sure to get all of your favorite foods for the week you need to recover." You smile seeing the bag of goodies in Yuri's hand before you realize "Wait...The competition is tomorrow... I'm stuck here for a week?!"

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