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   You couldn't help but stare at the door. Yuri was... Angry, an emotion you'd never thought you would see. There is the chance he was just stressed out, or even sleep deprived. You sigh and smooth your hair back and someone flicks your forehead "Hey, what's your feelings towards him?" You couldn't help but to blush and look at him shocked "H-Huh!?" It was so sudden and random.

   He sneers at you once more "I get it now." He laughs a bit "You like Yuri, Yuri likes you and Victor and Victor likes him eh?" He chuckles slightly and shakes his head "man it must suck to  be you." You look at him nervously and couldn't help but to bite your lip "Why?" He looks at you with a sigh "well, I knew if I was Yuri and my all time crush and god came around I'd want to date him."

   He was right, and there was no way you could compete with Victor. You look down and feel the tears starting to well up in your eyes. Yurio started to panic at the sight "Hey hey wait, don't cry!" He says panicked and tears started to fall down your face. He groans softly "Oh for fu-" He sighs annoyed "I'll get you out and take you to the competition just don't cry!" You smile and laugh happily rubbing the tears from your eyes "Thanks!~"

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now