Tears of a Coach

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"After the Grand Prix final let's end this." Yuri whispers softly. You knew you shouldn't be listening in but it was far too tempting. "huh..?" Victor asks clearly just as confused as you were. "You've done more than enough for me, Victor. Thanks to you and Y/N, I was able to give everything I had to my last session. Thank you for everything, Victor." You could see him bow through the small crack in the door, your heart was pounding he wasn't thinking of... No, he couldn't. "Thank you for being my coach."

You could see a few tears going down Victor's face, shimmering like the ice. It even made your heart squeeze, you wanted to leave to not hear anything else but you couldn't. Yuri noticed the tears as well looking up at Victor "Victor...?" There was worry in his voice. "Damn.." Victor says softly "I didn't expect Katsuki Yuri to be such a selfish human being." It was clear that Victor was hurt, his normal cheerful tone was replaced with a dull saddening one. Though it didn't seem to effect Yuri "Right... I made this selfish decision on my own... I'm retiring..."

Yuri says while watching the tears fall from Victors face. You could see the pain all over Victor's face and tears threatened your own eyes. You had enough, you got up quickly and left for your room. Victor was right, Yuri was being selfish. What about everyone who helped him to get here? What about all of the work Victor had put in to teach Yuri?

//Picture credit: https://cotonenone.tumblr.com/post/158441247174

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