Never give up

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   You stared at Yuri in shock as he sets the things down "A-Are you sure it's a week?" He looks at you with a soft frown "I'm sure... All though I don't know how soon you get better... But if you can get up ad walk around I guess that means you're alright." he looks at you with worried kind eyes "Just don't push yourself too hard alright?" You sit up and take a breath "I've never missed a single one of your competitions, and I'm not going to start now." 

   He slowly nods still looking at you worriedly anyway, though. You took a breath and swing your legs over the bed. You couldn't help but to wince slightly, even a simple motion like that made you feel dizzy. You couldn't give up though you only had a day to get better. You force yourself to stand using your hands to pretty much shoving yourself onto your feet. You couldn't help but smile looking at Yuri who happily smiled back. You go to talk but your legs give out under you and you yelp.

Strong arms were wrapped around your waist and you look up hoping to see Yuri, the thing was... It wasn't your Yuri. Your cheeks tint red at the sight of his eyes and hair shining in the sun. He scowls slightly "I swear, you're as bad as Victor what part of stay laying down did you not understand." He places you back into the bed and you mumble embarrassed thanks. You look to Yuri, his face was bright red... Like he was angry? You went to talk to him but he got up and left the room "I'm going to go practice." he says angrily was he jealous? 

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now