Sleepy cuddles

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     Yuri, Victor, and you all went out to dinner to celebrate. You and Victor were both thrilled with the results while Yuri seemed more disappointed. Not to mention he had to carry around all of the flowers people threw to him. Though with the power and humor of both you and Victor the two of you got him smiling in no time. Though it was now time to get some sleep and relax before tomorrow's free skate. You yawn softly getting changed into your PJ's before there was a knock on the door. 

    You hum and wonder who it could be, when you open the door you were surprised to see Yuri "Yuri!?" You yelled shocked and he sighs slightly rubbing his eyes sleepily "Can I sleep in your room? Victor snores really loud." You laugh a little and move out of the way so he could come in "Of course." He smiles sleepily rubbing his eyes "Thanks, Y/N." You nod and sit on your bed "You're not going to sleep on the floor are you?" He blinks confused at you and nods slowly "Yes...? Where else could I sleep?"

     You sigh and shake your head "The floors are probably filed with germs, sleep in the bed with me." He smiles softly and didn't hesitate to crawl into the bed next to you. You smile and yawn softly cuddling into him while he wraps an arm around you "goodnight Yuri.." You whisper softly and he smiles back laying a soft and gentle kiss onto your forehead "goodnight Y/N."

//Picture Credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now