Valentine's Day Special

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((Alright! Just a head's up that this will NOT follow the storyline! I hope you all have a great valentines day!)

You sigh softly and go to head outside knowing well that the chocolate would be on sale. You had to stop before you even walked out because right in front of you was a box of your favorite chocolates. You go wide-eyed and pick it up Y/N being scribbled near the top. You open it to make sure that this wasn't some sort of trick but there all the chocolates were placed neatly in each space. You notice a note on the top of the lid so you turn it and read it 'go to Y/F/C/S' (Your favorite coffee shop)

You place the chocolates into your bag and start to head to Y/F/C/S you hum softly when you open the door and everything looked normal. That is until you noticed a large teddy bear behind the counter. You move through the crowd and the instantly recognize you "ah! Y/N some nice gentleman asked me to give this to you." He pulls out the teddy bear and hands it to you. You go wide-eyed at the size and have to set it down "Do you have any clue who it is?" He shrugs with a smile "no clue!" you hear the tapping of dog nails and a frantic whisper of "Makkachin! That wasn't our cue!"

Out came Makkachin anyway, he was dressed up in a cupid outfit and you can't help but to aww "How cute!" You look over at the direction Makkachin came out from "it's ok you can come out now!" There was frantic whispering of someone debating with themselves before you see Yuri step out from the back "Hi Y/N..." He was bright red and you can't help but smile "Did you get all this stuff for me?" he nods shyly and you laugh happily getting up and gently kissing his cheek "Thank you."

//Picture Credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now