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You couldn't help but stare at Yurio shocked, you had only known him for a few days! And not to mention this was your first time ever having someone confess to you. Yurio didn't look at you or say anything after that just watched Yuri and Viktor through the crowd. The two of you sat in silence as you try and find some words "I-I.." Was all you managed to get out. Yurio didn't say anything as if he was waiting for you to go on.

No words could reach your mind so you got up to go somewhere, anywhere where you can get away from embarrassing yourself. Yurio grabs your wrist and you couldn't help but wince struggling slightly "let me go.." Yuri came running over quickly "Yurio! What are you doing!" He forces Yurio to let go and wrapped his arm around your shoulder protectively. You blush even more but Yurio got up "I see." with that, he got his things and got onto the train.

You sigh sadly and watch as he leaves glancing at Yuri who still had his arm around you "Yuri.." He looks at you before realizing and quickly moved his arm blushing bright red "Sorry Y/N..." You watch as the train leaves and looks up at Yuri "How'd things go with Victor?" He tenses up at the mention "I-It went as well as you can expect... He agreed to bring me to the competition.. but.." You look at him with a frown "But..?" He sighs softly "He'll return back to Russia after."

((Picture credit: )

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