The work of a dietitian

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    It had been a busy day, Yuri had become quite the celebrity. Though because you two were dating now you couldn't even go onto social media without at least twenty messages of how lucky you were. Of course, you knew you were lucky "Hey Y/N! Do you want some chips?" You look up to see Yuri carrying a bag of Doritos. You sigh and get up taking the entire bag from him "You can't have these they're bad for you."

     He frowns and whines a little "But Y/N..." You laugh and shake your head "You need to eat better, it's my job and the reason I got to come with." You smile and place a gentle kiss on his nose making him whine softly "Just a few? I'm really craving the crunch of chips." You hum softly and go to your luggage, pulling out a few veggie sticks "here you can have these then." 

    He sighs softly but decided it was best to not argue with you "Alright alright.." You smile happily and giggle softly "Thank you, Yuri." You place the Dorito bag into your suitcase not trusting Yuri to not fall under the spell of how amazing Doritos were. It was your job after all, and you couldn't let him down. 

//Picture credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now