Dinner with finalist!

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You and Yuri had decided to check out the rest of the festival despite the fact that it was getting rather late. All of the beautiful lights were far too tempting to you. You hum softly noticing Yuri's sister and someone beside her "Hey isn't that your sister Yuri?" He hums and smiles "yeah that's Mari-chan. Mari-chan!" He calls to his sister. You go wide-eyed and watch as Mari runs right to Yuri like a wolf after a rabbit. You watch as she tackles him shouting "Yuri! We need a huge favor!" The next thing you know you were at dinner with the rest of the skaters, along with Yuri's sister and the other girl she was with. It was silent except for the tears of joy from Yuri's sister and her friend.

Soon the table was filled with laughter and jokes until Victor mentioned the banquet. You hum confused and look over to see what Victor was talking about laughing "Yuri that's so dirty!" Yuri turned bright red and covers his face "I don't even know what it is!" Yuri tries to wave at the two of you to stop you two from looking but you both just laugh. Chris let out a hum seeing the rings "What's with the rings you two?" You blush and look at the ring while Yuri covers his face exploding from embarrassment.

It looks like it was up to you to explain "They're a pair Yuri and I-" Before you could explain phichit got up quickly and claps loudly "Congratulations on your marriage!" You blush and go to talk again but phichit turns to the whole restaurant "Everyone! My good friend here is getting married!" You were now blushing almost as bad as Yuri was even some people at the table were clapping. Your eyes land on Yurio when he slams his fist onto the table before leaving, everyone went quiet and watched him leave.

//Picture credit: http://min-min-minnie.tumblr.com/post/156267534005/actual-prince-phichit

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