The first kiss

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    You bite your lip nervously when you and Yuri pull up to where the competition was going to be held "this is it.." You hear Yuri laugh making you turn to him confused "I think you're more nervous than I am Y/N!" You laugh and roll your eyes with a blush but it wasn't a lie "Shut up.." He just laughs and hugs you "This skate I'm dedicating to you.." 

    You blush and look at him his lips half an inch away from yours, you could feel his breath and your cheeks turn bright red "I-I.." You went to talk but he cuts you off with a gentle kiss. You look at him shocked but slowly melt into the kiss. His lips were so warm and soft. A few seconds later the two of you pull away and smile, no words needed to be said. 

     The both of you laugh softly shortly after and he smiles "Let's count that as our first kiss instead of me falling down a hill and kissing you on accident." You laugh and smile "That sounds good to me! That was a great first kiss by the way." You both laugh before getting out of the car once he parks. You look over at him and smile softly "good luck Yuri.." You whisper softly.

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