How to Shock a Coach

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    It was around ten minutes after the interview when you had noticed some pictures on the wall. There was quite a few, most of them being skaters. There was one person though who had long silver hair that almost looked like Victor, you didn't know he had a sister? Yuri finishes up talking with some of the other skaters before going over to you "Sorry about the wait, oh you're looking at the winning skaters? Can you believe Victor's hair was that long?" You look at him shocked "No way! That's Victor!" 

    Before Yuri could answer Victor came over with a laugh "I know crazy right?" He smiles lovingly to Yuri "Sorry I missed the interview Yuri, I was getting some water!" He shows the water bottle that was in his hand "how'd it go by the way?" He takes a swig of water. Yuri hums softly "Well Y/N and I did the interview together, we answered some questions and then I asked Y/N to be my girlfriend/boyfriend!" Victor spits out his drink in shock. You were quick to move out of the way of the water spray. 

    Victor coughs choking on the water making Yuri go over and rub his back worriedly "Victor are you alright?" He nods still coughing but recovering. You blink rather confused yourself, he had to have known Yuri liked you, right? That's when it hit you, Yuri's theme was love, but he didn't say who. Victor most likely thought that Yuri's love was out to him. 

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