Yurio's Birthday!

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//Yup that's right! Yurio's birthday is actually today!

It was a rather long flight, and you were extremely tired. You never did get much sleep on planes, your fear of heights didn't help much. But now that you were safe on the ground you were extremely tired, falling asleep right there while you waited for the bags. That is of course until Victor opened his phone, and you swore it dinged at least thirty times before coming to a stop. He hums softly and opens up the messages "Oh right! It's Yurio's birthday!" You went wide eyed, you hadn't gotten him anything. You take Yuri's hand and smiles at Victor "we'll be back! We're going shopping!" Victor nods and hums watching as the two of you run off. Yuri laughs and shakes his head "Do you even know where you're going?" You laugh "of course not." The two of you laugh and notice a few shops. You hum and pass by the windows smiling happily when you noticed a giant tiger plush, he'd love it. Yuri laughs a little and kisses your head "I'll get the cake."

He points to the store across the street you nod and quickly go into the store grabbing the last one. You sigh happily buying it, it'd be a lot harder to wrap it then it was to buy it. You didn't even have any wrapping paper and it didn't seem like there was any store around for wrapping paper. Of course, you couldn't just wander off without Yuri, he'd get lost and worried. You go into the cake store to see none other than Victor, who was standing beside Yuri. How did he get here so fast? You smile when he waves "I already ordered the cake for him, we just need to pick it up!" You laugh and nod holding up the giant plush "sadly I couldn't wrap it." Victor gladly takes the cake that the shop owner brings, it was placed in a nice box with a large bow on it. He hums and takes the bow off placing it onto the tiger's hair "perfect!" Yuri smiles happily and looks at it with a nod "I'm sure Yurio is going to love it." Everyone stuffed into a taxi, the tiger pretty much drowning you. It felt like forever before you pulled up to the hotel "Where's our stuff anyway?" Victor smiles happily "I had someone bring it over for us." You shake your head but laugh a little anyway.

Once you get there you open the door, relief from drowning under the tiger "Alright what floor is he on?" Victor was holding the cake and Yuri was opening the doors for everyone "fifth?" Yuri asks not sure but Victor nods and smiles looking around. You all shove into the elevator, going to the fifth floor. Sure enough, Yurio was heading into his room "Yurio!" You call. He turns confused and looks at you "Y/N?" You smile and nod going over offering him the tiger "Happy birthday!" His eyes sparkle slightly and he smiles slightly taking the tiger. Victor goes over and opens the door going in and putting the cake down, of course, Yurio wasted no time in scolding him "Hey! You can't just come in her unannounced!" You and yuri laugh a little, it was rather cute to see Yurio hugging the tiger while being mad. Yurio turns to you two and glares at you "What?" You smile and shake your head "happy birthday Yurio."

//Picture credit: http://aaaliyaamj.tumblr.com/

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