The Cup of China Free Skate!

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You bite your lip nervously as Yuri went out to the ice, he seemed far calmer now... Though you could tell right away that he was crying. You watch him glide across the ice before taking his position. There was something new, something that you had never seen in Yuri's eyes before. You couldn't quite place your finger on what it was, but he began to move across the ice, dancing perfectly to the music. His step sequence was flawless. You bite your lip when you hear what the first jump was, a quadruple toe loop and double toe loop combination. You watch as he moves across the ice, that's when it hit you. The look in his eyes, he was relaxed, smiling, enjoying himself. You watch as he gets ready for another jump "Quadruple salchow." The announcer says. You clap with everyone in the stands, proud of him for making a jump he had trouble with. You watch as he glides peacefully across the ice "His theme for this season is love." You smile and look at the handsome man on the ice, skating, and showing his emotions with every mark he made on that ice.

You watch as he transitions to the next section with a flying sit spin, his mind clearly somewhere else. He dances across the ice like it wasn't slippery at all, and he even cracked a smile. He gets ready for his next jump and... He leaps into the air shining in the lights, he lands it! A triple toe loop landed perfectly. He dances and focused on his footwork, something so precise and amazing. You smile when you hear Yuri's favorite jump was up next the triple axel. He leaps into the air but had too much rotation, so he ended up touching down. He was quick to got up though. You watch amazed as he acted like it didn't even happen, he just went on with his skating. He lands his triple flip jump which made the crowd cheer, you of course cheer for him as well. But all eyes were on Yuri, he was taking controls of his fears and putting them in their place. You bite your lip when you hear what was coming up next a triple axel, single loop, triple salchow combination. You bite your lip when you see him stumble from over rotation.

You gasp amazed as he does a triple lutz, triple toe loop combination the crowd cheering happily. You watch as his step sequence plays out perfectly, to everyone's surprise, he leaps into the air almost landing a quadruple flip. The whole crowd went insane, even if he did fall, there were enough rotations to count it and Yuri got up finishing the skate. He had managed to do such an amazing thing in the second half of the skate, fatigue would be at his highest and he almost pulled it off. Yuri Katsuki was something amazing.

((I went all out with this one, I hope you like it! ^-^)

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