The change

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The both of you were startled by the sound of a voice "Yuri!~ Who's this?" Yuri blushed and you were quick to pull back at the unknown voice. Your eyes fall to a rather tall male, but still only a little taller than yuri. The two of you stare at each other as Yuri glanced between the two of you clearly flustered "V-Victor this is Y/N, Y/N this is Victor." You looked at him shocked and turned to Yuri "Wait you mean Victor Nikiforov? Your idol?" Yuri blushes red and covers his face "Y/N!" he complains through his fingers. Victor just laughed and hugged Yuri lifting his leg up as well "Yuri! How cute!" Yuri tried to shove him off "Victor!" He whines and you couldn't help but smile sadly. This was Yuri's idol, and all you were was an old friend. You smile a bit trying to make some small talk "So how long will you be here for Victor?" Victor hums still having his arms wrapped around Yuri "Until Yuri get's a gold medal!" He smiles happily and Yuri was bright red. You could feel your heart breaking at the seams and took of your ice skates "I'll be going... It's getting late." Once you get your shoes back on you quickly run out, everything was changing. Nothing was going to be the same again, and it was all his fault.

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