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It had been a while now that the competition was over, Yuri was eating more. It was getting rather noticeable but you couldn't take his crutch away from him. If it made it happy then that's what you would do. You smile as you pack up the hot pork cutlet bowl in some plastic wrap. You head out of your house and look at the snow that was starting to fall "I better hurry.." You mumble wanting to make sure that it was at least warm. The streets were coated with a light layer of snow and every step you took left a footprint in the snow. You smile as you strolled along, the cold was something you enjoyed. You did, after all, spend most of the time by the rink watching Yuri skating. You were learning how to skate but wanted to surprise Yuri. Lost in thought you got there quicker than you thought. You open the door and smile "Sorry for intruding!" You came to the inn every day to see Yuri so it wasn't anything new. You blink and see a note on the wall. You read it and smile a bit, seeing that Hiroko was out to the store to get more food. You peek your head into the kitchen and notice that Yuri had fallen asleep on the table. You laugh a little and go over setting the pork cutlet bowl down in front of him. You take a pen and write down a note for him deciding it'd be best if you let him sleep. Once you finish you place it in front of him and leave the inn. Yuri yawns softly and woke to rub his eyes sleepily. How long was he asleep for? He blinks noticing a pork cutlet bowl in front of him and takes the note reading it 'Hi yuri! I brought you some food in case you were hungry, you might want to heat it up! Love, Y/N' he laughs a little placing the note in his pocket. He takes the bowl and went to heat it up humming softly. The two of you always exchanged love you as a friendly term. He sighs sadly, of course, there was no way that you would ever fall for someone like him. He rubs the back of his neck in thought.

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