Waking up

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your eyes start to open being awoken by the sound of... slurping? You frown confused and look over, seeing the Russian Yuri drinking some juice from a juice box. You frown confused seeing him with an annoyed look on his face, he clearly didn't know you were awake yet. You stare at him for a little confused on where your Yuri was "Excuse me..?" The Russian Yuri looks at you with a sneer "About time. I've been having to sit here for hours."

That shocked you but he did do it anyway "Sorry?" It wasn't your fault but it felt right to tell him sorry. You sit up and wince slightly holding your head and the Russian Yuri grabs your face pushing you back to lay down "Don't get up yet." He grumbles and you look over at him with a soft laugh. Despite how cold he seemed he did seem to care. But that's when you remember what he did to your Yuri. "Hey... Your name is Yuri right?" He went back to drinking his juice box and nods in response. You frown in thought "Why did you... Yell at Yuri at his competition?"

He looks at you and sighs softly setting his juice box down "He gave up so easily." He grumbles "It pisses me off when people give up so easily just because something went wrong!" He huffs and shakes his head "It was a disgrace for him to try so hard, and then give up, it was a waste of everyone's time." You went to argue but your head started to pound. The Russian Yuri seemed to notice and sighs "Just go back to sleep I'm sure your Yuri will be back soon." You frown confused wanting to know where he was but decided it was best to try and sleep.

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