The Score

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You watch as he exit's the ice skating rink with a happy look on his face. You laugh and run down to greet him "Yuri!" You trip on the last step of the bleacher and fall on top of him. The two of you blush but laugh "we need to stop doing that to each other Y/N!" He says and laughs getting up helping you up. You laugh and smile happily as he hugs you. You could almost hear his girl and boy's fans heartbreaking.

He smiles happily and goes over to Victor sitting on the chair waiting for the score. He held his hand nervously and you bite your lip as well. You held your own hand dying to hear how well he did. "And Yuri Katsuki's score is.." You watch and wait, if he waited anymore then you might have died a grand total of "106.84!" You laugh happily and clap your hands together proud of him.

Yuri, on the other hand, seemed more shocked than proud of himself. Blinking a few times to see if he was seeing correctly. He turns and the two of you smile as Victor answers questions. His attention turned back to the news reporter when she starts to interview him. Once she finishes up you hug him and he smiles rubbing your back "Did you like it?" You laugh and look up at him "Liked it? No." He looks at you with a shocked looked not sure what to say. You laugh and shake your head "Loved it? Yes!"

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