Into the Cold

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    You whisper before you could say anything else he kisses you. You were in utter shock and for some reason didn't pull away, and that's when you hear it. The sound of a photo being taken. You went wide eyed at the noise and stare at the photographer who was already uploading it. You went stumble to your feet to try and stop them "Wait! Wait!" You beg them but it was to late the photo was already up. The person just scoffed at you "I can't believe you... Now everyone will know who you really are." your heart shattered and you could feel the panic and anxiety rising inside of you. 

    What were you supposed to do? What could you do? Yurio seemed just as shocked as you were and you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes. Why didn't you push him away? Yurio frowns and got up going to place a hand on your shoulder "Y/N.." you didn't let him go on slapping his hand away from you. Tears were now falling down your cheeks "Don't touch me!" You hiss angrily at him. He seemed shocked that you were crying and went to speak but you ran off. You had no idea where you were going but it felt like all eyes were on you. A group of people were mumbling in front of you as you slowed to a walk. The second that you passed them they quickly grabbed you and shoved you into the woods. It was a rather steep fall and you tumble down feeling your body get cut up. You cry out in pain feeling your leg break as you tumble. 

    The pain didn't stop when you reached the bottom, the snow was so cold and you could feel yourself shivering. You couldn't even bring yourself to look down at the wound knowing well how weak you were to blood. Was this how you were going to die? Buried under the snow after cheating on your fiance'? Would Yuri even go looking for you? You didn't know but all you knew is that your leg stung every time a snowflake fell on it. In a last ditch resort to stay warm, you curl into a ball to try and at least keep some body warmth. 

//Picture credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now