The Rift

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It took a minute for you to realize what was happening, unsure of who it was you shove them off "What the hell!" You yell and right away the male started to apologize as well "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! It's just I was, Victor and I were.." The two of you lock eyes and share a look of shock "No way." You both say in shock turning even redder than the two of you were before. You look over to see Victor walking down the hill. Of course, who else could have caused what happened? You went to yell at the two but notice Victors eyes were puffy, had he been crying?

Guilt washes over you and you were quick to shut up. You didn't do anything to him that you knew of but the way that he looked could put a dog's begging to shame. Your heart was breaking and you were sure everyone's else was as well. You look over at Yuri to see if he knew what was going on his eyes were trained to the floor, that explains a lot. You could feel the tension and raw emotion between the two, sadness, anger, guilt.

Once Victor reaches Yuri he helps him up with such a sad smile. Curiosity and confusion were building inside of you. What happened between the two that could cause such a rift..? Victor looks at Yuri sadly for a while and Yuri kept his eyes trained on the ground. A couple minutes passed before Victor slaps Yuri. You and the crowd gasp softly "You're a jerk." Victor whispers "But I'm still your coach... I'll see you tomorrow." And with that Victor left Yuri with a large red handprint on the side of his face.

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