Running late

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When you woke up you were wrapped in hospital bed sheets, the sun shining through your window. You grunt softly and you could hear soft laughter from next to you. You glance over and see Yuri with a smile on his face "You're alright.." he had tears welling up inside of his eyes and he could only stare at you. You smile softly and laugh a little "It'd take more than snow to keep me down." Though to be honest you were still freezing.

You glance over at the clock going wide-eyed at the time "Yuri! You're going to miss the cup!" He shakes his head with a frown "I can't go... Not while you're hurt." he whispers sadly. You frown and sit up looking at him angrily "This was your dream Yuri! I will be mad at you if you don't get going now! I'm in the hospital I'll be fine!" He looks at you shocked before biting his lip looking at the time. He goes over to you quickly gently kissing you before getting up and running out the door shouting "I love you!" As he left. You couldn't help the giggle that formed from your throat and shake your head playfully "I love you too!"

You call out to him watching as he rushed down the hall. You shake your head and giggle slightly turning on the T.V to see how the competition was going, and there was no way you were going to miss seeing Yuri. You watch as some ads play looking down, how were you going to explain what happened with Yurio? It was true that he kissed you first, but you didn't pull away...

//Picture credit:

Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now