Grand Prix Final Short Program

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Thank god Yuri was last for the skates today, you sigh in relief once you see him appear beside the rink for his turn. He made sure that his skates were on correctly and you could see Victor scolding Yuri. You giggle softly and watch as the skater finished up letting Yuri go on for his turn. You look down at your ring gentle pressing your lips against it for good luck. Once Yuri gets to the middle of the ice he gently kisses his ring as well. His hand falls to the side and the music starts. He beautifully moves his arms drawing everyone in the crowd in. All eyes went to him as he pops his legs out sassily and looked right at the camera with a wink, almost as if he knew you were watching. You giggle softly and watch as he began his step sequence dancing on the ice as if he was on the ground. He seemed lost in thought before coming back around as he jumps into a flying sit spin.

The crowd claps for him and you do as well, even if he couldn't hear it. He gets up to glide across the ice jumping and landing a triple axel. You cheer with the rest of the crowd smiling widely. The crowd loved Yuri almost as much as you did, almost. He seemed to float on the ice as he leaps into the air doing a quadruple salchow, triple toe loop combination. So far all of his jumps were flawless, your heart was pounding at the sight of Yuri dancing across the ice. You bite your lip having heard that he was going to try and pull a quadruple flip.

He leaps into the air but when he lands he had to catch himself with one hand. You laugh happily and cheer there was enough rotation for it to count! He glides across the ice spinning with one leg out as he moves to his sit spin position. That was how you would know the skate was over. He gets up doing the last movements to his dance and hugging himself. You cheer with the crowd laughing proudly until you see him fall to the ground. He was upset, you could tell. You bite your lip and quickly text Victor your plan, something that was for sure going to cheer Yuri up.

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Yuri Katsuki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now