The Medal!

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      It was beautiful the shine of silver in the light seemed just right "I can't believe Yuri beat you by .12 points, though.." You sigh softly and let the medal slip from your fingers back to his neck. You blink seeing him smiling widely at you. You laugh and smile "Why are you so happy?" He grabs your waist and pulls you close to him "Because now we can get married, have a nice wedding. 

    Besides, with my beautiful wife by my side, I could never lose!" You blush but giggle happily playfully shaking your head "How cheesy!" That made Yuri blush and rub the back of his neck "Really? You think so?" You giggle and gently kiss his lips before you hear someone walk over and stop in front of you. The gleam of a medal catches your eyes, it was Yurio! You smile happily and sweetly "congratulations on getting gold Yurio." He huffs softly and looks away "thanks... I... Congrats on getting married."

     Both you and Yuri blink in shock "Huh?" You both say. Yurio huffs and crosses his arms with a slight blush "Don't expect me to say it again!" Soon enough you were all laughing and enjoying each other's company. Your journey was coming to an end, for now at least. Though both you and Yuri get to have the adventure of trying to plan a wedding, but for now the world was at peace. 

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