Two Yuris!?

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It was almost time to head to the ice castle to watch Yuri and Victor practice. It seemed that everything was normal and it was just going to be another boring day, that is until you got closer to the ice castle. You could hear a few people talking excitedly "Did you hear Victor is at the ice castle training Yuri Katsuki!" You look at the people confused a nervous feeling settling into your gut as you got closer to the ice castle. The sound of chattering questions and people all trying to talk over themselves made you move faster, and that's when you see it.

A mob of news reporter and fans. They seem to notice you as soon as you do to them and they were quick to rush over surrounding you "Miss Y/N! We've heard that you're Yuri Katsuki's dietitian! Is there any way you can tell us what he eats!?" That was the only question you heard before they started to shout over each other, they were surrounding you and you couldn't even make your way through them. This was it you were going to die from a mob of news reporters.

"VICTOR!" A cry comes from behind you and all of the questions stop and everyone turns to look at the Russian Yuri. When did he get here? Everything was happening so fast, the news reporters all rush past you and right to the Russian Yuri one managing to push you over. Before your hands could try and catch you your head hits the cold ground and in seconds everything is spinning and ringing. Your vision starts to fade to black a voice ringing through the crowds that could only be your yuri. He was calling you, but it was to late you passed out cold.

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