I walk out of my last class. Troye walks by me. I look at him while he walks by. ."Call me." Troye whispers to me. He walks off before Tyler could see anything. "Franta!" Tyler yells and comes up to me. "Leave me alone!" I yell at him and grab my bag and close the locker. I start to walk away. "Leave Troye alone!" I yell and push him back. "Leave him alone!" I yell at him pushing him again. "FUCK YOU FRANTA!" Tyler yells. Everyone gathers around us. Tyler pushes me again. "TROYE!" I yell trying to push through people. "TROYE HELP ME PLEASE!" I yell again. Trying to run free. Mark pushes me back. "Franta he isn't coming! He is with us. He will turn around and fuck you up! He doesn't care for you!" Tyler yells at me. He comes closer to me. Grabbing my wrists. He squeezes tight. He hits my face. I stumble back. "He doesn't care." Tyler says to me. Hitting me again. "Troye please!" I yell trying to get someone to help me. Where are the fucking teachers! Where is someone to help me? "He isn't coming for you Franta! You stay away from him!" Tyler yells and hits my face again. I fall to the floor my nose bleeding. I hear someone chanting Tyler's name. Help me someone! Anyone. He kicks me in the stomach a couple times. Then my back, my side. My face. He is going to kill me. "You stay away from Mellet, Franta!" Tyler says. I hear someone yelling. "Troye please." I cry out. I look the way of the yelling. Pushing through the bodies of people around me. Laughing, cheering. "Tyler!" Someone yells I see the blue eyes. I know it's him. He came! "Get the fuck away from him!" Troye yells pushing him back. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Troye yells and pushes him again. "Mellet you really care for that pathetic human. He is useless." Tyler says and laughs. "I don't understand you!" Troye yells. "I don't understand you! You are falling for him!" Tyler yells. "And what if I am? It doesn't matter! Get the fuck away from him!" Troye yells pushing him back again. Everyone starts to pile away to go on the bus. I guess I am walking. Tyler laughs one more time. "Well fuck you then Mellet you are out of this group! You choose! Us or Franta!" Tyler yells and walks up to me. "If you choose him! You will pay!" Tyler says and spits on me. He walks away and Troye races to my side. I keep my eyes closed. "Con." Troye says trying to hold me. "No please go." I say not wanting him to see me like this. Weak hurt. Anything. "Con I am not leaving you." Troye says. "Your reputation. You have to choose them. Like he said he will make your life miserable. Troye leave me. Please!" I say coughing a lot. "No I am not leaving you. Fuck Tyler." Troye says. He touches my face. "Can you stand?" Troye asks me. I shake my head, I push his hand off me. "I can't let you get hurt like this. He will hurt you. Go to him." I say and then start to cry. "I am not leaving you." Troye says to me more harsh. "Why! Just leave me alone!" I yell and then he looks at me. "You want to know why! Franta. You make me happier, you make me want to live. You make me want to actually stay here. Listen to me!" Troye starts to say. "The reason why I am staying is because Connor Franta I am in love with you." Troye says to me. I stop breathing. "Yes I am madly in love with you. You make me human again." Troye says. I just lay there not wanting to talk. He is in love with me. "You are just saying that. Tyler. He said you would say something like that." I start to say. "Connor would someone who is like them do this?" Troye asks and helps me up. Before he does anything else, he leans into my lips. The are bleeding but, he kisses me anyways. The touch of his lips is not hard, but not soft? It makes me float. He is kissing me. He cares for me. Connor don't deny it. He pulls away. He fucking loves me? He is falling for me? Why me? He could do so much better! Troye why me? I can't love him. His cuts. He will hurt me. "Would someone like Tyler do that. I know it's so hard to understand that I once was them. That I am madly in love with you. But I am not them anymore. I am in love with you. I don't care what Tyler does to me. As long as I have you with me. I will always be safe." Troye says pouring his heart into my hands. "You set my heart of fire." Troye says. "The best way possible." Troye says. Touching my face. He takes his sweater and starts to wipe the blood off my face. "Stay over tonight." I say I don't care what my mom and dad say. I need him over with me. He can. I will just bring him home. "Okay." Troye says. He takes my hand and kisses it. I slowly stand up with him. "I'll call my mom." I say and Troye nods. He slowly brings me into the bathroom. While I call her. He sets me up on the counter and kisses my cheek. I hear the phone pick up. "Mom?" I ask her. "Yeah baby what's up?" My mom replies. "Umm can my friend come over for the night? Also can you come and pick me up. I misses the bus." I say and Troye takes a paper towel and starts to wipe under my eye. "Yeah sure. I'll come in 10." She says and hangs up. I keep the phone to my ear for a second. "I love how you call me you friend it's adorable." Troye says and then moves to my lip. I taste the blood. "Well what else do you want me to call you?" I ask and he smirks. Then he speaks. "I like the title boyfriend how about you?" Troye asks me. Holy shit he just asked me to be his boyfriend. What do I say? Yes? No? Oh for fucks sakes Connor. "I like that a lot actually." I say and smile. Troye leans in to kiss me. The Troye Sivan Mellet is my boyfriend? It feels like a complete dream right now. I'll wake up in my bed and this won't be real.
Is it that simple? To become like that. I don't think so. Anyways love you guys. I have some things up my sleeve. thanks for the support and currently listening to Troye right now. *winks* Byeeeeee

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...