I kiss Connor's neck, whatever I can do I will do it. He needs love, he needs a man figure in his life and that's what I will do for him. I will be that man to help him. He needs that. I kiss under his jawline. His hands relaxed. He loves it a lot. "Mhmm." Connor moans out a little. If he doesn't think about life then he will be fine, happy and I want to be his distraction. From everything like life, his dad, school, bullies anything that comes to mind I want to distract him. He distracts me from my life and I love him for that. I then kiss his cheek and I slowly move so I am able to kiss him on the lips. He then moves to straddle my lap and he kisses me. We break the kiss. I touch his neck and bite my lip. "Well you do have more than a few marks. I guess I got carried away." I say he smiles. "That's okay, I could care less." Connor says, I smile and touch his bare chest, looking at the scars and the cuts there. I run my hand slowly down from his neck to his stomach. "You are not fat." I mumble out. I can see the ribs very easy, the cave of his stomach under his ribs. His hip bones prominent. Connor moves his body to lay down on me. I rub his back a little while he moves to my neck. "I might suck." Connor says, I smile. "All you have to do is suck the skin a little bite it very little and kiss it once and awhile. You will pick up fast if you know how to kiss well." I say. Connor breathes out and then leans to my neck. He starts to kiss my neck slowly. Then when he gets the hang of it he goes for it. Biting it a little and then slowly sucking on the skin. I moan every so lightly. Connor smiles into my neck. He keeps kissing me all over like I did for him. I don't bother him, if it's too hard or too soft. He will understand after a while what pressure to put on my neck. We both will. "Mhmm." I moan out. Connor moves his hands to my hair as he kisses my neck. My hands move slowly down his back and to his ass. I think for a second will he let me? Or will he be too scared. I touch it lightly, not hard just my hands on there. Connor smiles against my neck. I think what if this relationship becomes something big? The longest relationship I have ever had was 2 months. I hate that person now but, he is part of the jocks. Shit he is gay. "Mark." I say and then Connor stops. "I am scared." I mumble out. "What if this becomes a serious thing, I have only ever been in one half long relationship. That was 2 months. I don't want to hurt you." I say putting my hands on his side. "You won't." Connor says and slowly leans in for a kiss. He takes my hands and moves them down to his ass again. I move my hips up so he moves forward a little more. After a good makeout session and some more neck kisses. Connor falls fast asleep on my bare chest. His head resting lightly on my heart. I know my heart is beating slower than when we were making out. I am calm, safe, and in love. I am love struck. The way we look at each other makes our hearts melt. We want this relationship even though we have only been in this relationship for a good day or so. I don't really know. I hear a little snore. Then him twitch he has slowly fallen asleep. "Goodnight my little Franta." I mumble out and then stroke his hair to push it out of his face. He moves his face into my neck and breaths out. I slowly decide to fall asleep as well. Today has been one big day for both of us. Connor he has been through so much and I wish I could take the pain away. I close my eyes and slowly drift into a deep sleep just thinking about love. How lovestruck we are.
"Ugh." I hear someone mumble out and roll out of bed. I open my eyes slowly. I hear Connor mumble something else, then I hear him sniff and then blow his nose. I sit up trying to find the figure that is crying. I spot him near the door. I slowly stand up not making a sound. "Why am I so broken? Why did you make me like this." Connor says and looks up into the sky. "Why did you make me like this? Change me back." Connor cries out. I reach the figure. I hear him sigh. I slowly put my arms around him and bring his back towards my front. "Sorry for waking you." Connor cries out. "You shouldn't apologize. I am here for you. Bad dream?" I ask and he nods. :Yeah. Bad dream." Connor cries out. "You want to talk about it?" I ask and he nods. I slowly walk away from him and I sit on the bed. He slowly makes his way to me and sits on my lap. I put my arms around him and hold him tight. "I had a dream about you, and my family. My dad, waking me up to watch you die He killed you." Connor cries out. "That won't happen." I say and he nods. "I know but, your face was so white, when you got shot in the chest. I wasn't aloud to touch you. I was screaming and crying to stop him and shoot me instead he just wouldn't listen Tro. He wouldn't listen to me." Connor cries. "I never want you to take a bullet for me." I say and he shakes his head. "I would if I could. No doubt about that no matter what you say. I was just scared of the face you gave me when you slowly died in my eyes. The white of your eyes slowly closing and your face going white and you reaching for me." Connor cries out. I wonder if he has these kind of dreams all the time without anyone here to help him. "Connor listen to me. I won't ever leave you, I would never ever die on you. Okay I have you now and won't even think of death." I say and he nods. I kiss his neck and slowly lay him back down onto the bed. He faces the wall and I cuddle up to him. I need to make sure he feels safe. That is what my goal is to make him feel loved, happy and never ever alone.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...