We have our eyes closed as the drive continues, I hold him close. I can't believe I admitted all those things to someone I didn't even really know. I guess I pretended I walk talking to Troye and no one else was there. Did I tell too much, or too little I have no clue. All I want to think about is him and my homework. I have to do it tonight I really don't want to fail school. I need to pass and I don't know what else I want to do. They put so much pressure on us. Get good grades, finish school, know what you want by grade 10, know what you need in life, get a job and be successful. They don't care if we have problems or we are happy. I hate school and I hate this school with all the people in it. Tyler, Zoe, everyone in that school who hates me. I feel the car stop and I open my eyes. "I'll be back. Have to pick something up." My mom says. Troye's eyes still closed. "Alright." I say and she leaves the car. I look at my phone and then Troye. I want to take a picture. I open my phone and go to my camera. The light shines into the car and it has a good lighting on Tro. I decide before taking weird photos with sleep Troye might as well use him as a model. I slowly get the right angle and take many photos. Different filters. Then once I am done. I move to take funny selfies. I decide to make my tongue stick out at him. With weird ass faces. I then want to get a couple cute photos. Where I am smiling. Pretending to kiss him. His head moves over so it's straight. I decide to move and kiss his lips and take a photo. He wakes up. "What?" He asks in a sleepy voice. "Sorry just wanted to kiss you." I say and he moves his head to face me. "Well I don't mind waking up to that." Troye says. "I was taking photos as well." I say and he smiles. "Of me? And how sexy I am?" Troye asks. In a very hot cute little sleepy voice. "That and also funny photos with you. Like a couple cute ones and then the rest me just fooling around." I say and he smiles. "That's okay. I don't mind. I know I am really attractive asleep too." Troye says. I just smile and shake my head. "Okay Mr. Full of himself." I say and he giggles a little. "Yup sure am.: Troye says and closes his eyes again. I put my forehead on his. "You are." I say. I lean in for a kiss. I kiss his lips and he smiles. I break the kiss. "No." He whines out. "Later." I say. He shakes his head. He opens his eyes with love and he puts his hand on the back of my hand. I take my seatbelt off and slowly climb on top of him. My legs on either side of him. I put my hands on his chest and he leans into kiss me. It's been like 1 day or so and I have been happier than ever he is my pill. "Troye, you are my happy little pill." I mumble out. I keep my head close to his. My legs move a little to get some feeling back in them. "I have been thinking about that too honestly, you are my happy little pill ever since we have been together we have been so happy." Troye says I nod. I hear a car door open. "I'm back." My mom calls and I shoot off Troye. I look at her with a blush. "It's okay Connor I have seen more than that. Your brother I have walked in on him you know." My mom says. I cover my face. "Still. It's very embarrassing." I say and Troye smiles. He kisses my cheek. "It's okay baby." Troye says to me. I slap his arm and then my mom starts to drive. "What were you talking about?" My mom asks. I just shake my head. "Mom." I say and she look in the mirror and turns the corner. "Well I wanna know. How long have you known each other?" My mom asks. I look at him and then want to say for a while but, we actually haven't been friends since like 2 days. "Umm for a while like almost a year." Troye says, knowing me so well. "When did you guys develop feelings for each other?" My mom asks. I cover my face again. "2 days ago." Troye says she smiles. "Oh so this is recent." She says and smiles. "Mom stop." I groan. "I'm supposed to do this. You're my son and this is your boyfriend and well I could totally go mom mode like Troye you still a virgin?" My mom asks. I close my eyes and put it into shirt. He laughs. "Yeah I actually am." Troye says and then laughs. I lift my head up. He is. I thought he would know what to do, I thought he has had sex before. I always thought he was a fuck boy. He would have known what to do. If we ever. I mean if we ever do it. I don't know if I could give myself up. Our card that is supposed to be important to us. That you are supposed to save until you meet the right person. Is that Troye? Is that really him? Or will he break up with me and leave me and I have to save it for someone else. "Oh okay you didn't have to answer that. I was just bugging you." My mom says. "Okay mom stop please." I say and she smiles and nods. "Okay okay, I will stop asking mom questions in front of your boyfriend." My mom says. I just look out the window. Troye hasn't used it yet. Will he want to use it on me? I don't even know if I want it to be used ever. It is a scary thought. The thought of me being completely naked in front of someone who I really really love? Is that Troye or no one. I don't want sex. I am still too young? I am only 17 able to drive soon. Same with Troye. He will be able to drive. I feel the car stop and snap out of trance we are home.

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...