As we lay there naked I look at the clock. "That was the most fun ever." Connor mumbles out. I look at his neck. Purple and blue from the hickies I gave him. I trace my hand over them and down his stomach. I feel his phone ring. "Who is it?" I ask and Connor looks at his phone. "My mom?" Connor asks. He puts it on speaker. I sit on his lap again. Running my hands up and down his stomach and anywhere I can touch. I see him struggle not to breath heavy. I smile. "Mom why you calling me?" Connor asks. He glares at me and mouths stop. I shake my head he rolls his eyes. "Just wanted to check up on you. See how everything is going?" Cheryl asks. Worried mom of course. "Yeah everything's fine, mom. Troye made a nice dinner and we ate some food. Then chatted and now we are um watching movies." Connor says I grin. "Movies sure." I whisper he glares at me. I kiss his hand. "So how is everything? Did you, you know." Cheryl says Connor closes his eyes. "Mom. You are on speaker." Connor mumbles out. "Oh hello Troye." Cheryl says laughing. "Hi Mrs. Franta." I say politely trying to get a good check mark in her book. "You and Connor being good? Not trashing the house or the bedroom?" She asks towards me. Connor groans. I laugh. "No we are fine. No we are being good Mrs. Franta." I say I hear her laugh. "Alright Connor staying the night. You take care of him." His mom says. "I will don't you worry." I say. "Alright Troye bye." She says and I nod. Connor puts his phone close to his mouth. "Cock block." I whisper out. He smiles a big smile. I kiss his stomach a little while he talks to his mom. "Mom we are fine. Can I get back to the movie?" Connor asks his mom. "Yes Connor have fun. Happy for you. Wear protection Love you." She says. Connor throws his head back. "Mom stop please and love you too." Connor says and presses the hang up button. "Ughh." Connor says and puts his hands on his face. "Why does she do that?" Connor asks his cheeks burning red. "Well we did use protection and we have done it so she isn't wrong." I say picking on him. He moves his hands off his face and glares at me. "Okay mom." Connor says and tosses his phone to the other side of the bed. He moves his hands to my hips. "I am just saying. We did use it. So that is one check mark in her book, and we did do it so she isn't wrong. The movie was us fucking. Connor I know she knows." I say and he nods. "Yeah all mothers do." Connor says and I lean down to his lips. "So is this what people do after sex?" Connor asks playing with my hair. "I don't know but, this is what we do. What we should do more often." I say. My horney side still alive. "Yeah for sure. I would like that. Relieves stress. Shows love. Anytime. I never thought sex would have this effect on me." Connor says. I kiss his neck biting at the skin. "It is only 8 pm so?" I say and Connor smiles. "What do you want to do?" Connor asks. "Shower?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah sure. I would love that." Connor says. I stand up and walk towards the door. "Wow we did a number on that bed." I say looking at all the sheets on the floor. The clothes all over. The sweat stains. "I'll clean that in the morning." I say and Connor slowly stands up and then hunches over. "Oww." He moans out. I go right to his side. "Shit yeah it will hurt." I say and he nods. I help him walk the bathroom. He steps the water as I grab a couple towels. I grab my phone and walk in locking the door. He is already in the warm water leaning against the wall. I put my music on and open the shower door. He has his eyes closed. The water on his side as he leans against the wall. I close the door and go to his side. "I am sorry for hurting you." I say and he shakes my head. "It won't be like this the next time we do it. I would love to do it more often as well." Connor says leaning off the wall and coming into my arms. His head falls on my chest and his knees give out. "After can we have a bath?" Connor asks. "Of course." I say and he nods. "The one downstairs. The big tub." Connor says. "Of course whatever you want." I say he puts his head down more. I grab the shampoo, the water running on his back. The steam hitting the back of his neck. I slowly dip my head in and lather up. Then I take some and do this hair. "Baby I can do mine." Connor mumbles. "Nope I got you in pain I can do it." I say he leans his head up. "It's not just pain it feels good what you did to me." Connor says. "Well have you seen me?" I ask him and he shakes his head. I lather his hair up and he puts under the water using his hands to get it out. "I love your hair." I say and he shakes it. "I had a shower today at like 10 maybe." Connor mumbles out. He holds his lower stomach. I finish his hair and put some conditioner. I rinse mine out and do the same. Connor slowly sinks down onto the floor. "It hurts." He mumbles out. I sink down with him. "So bad." Connor moans out. He holds his lower stomach and his back. "Lean against me." I say and he does. I sit back and he leans against me. I rub small circles onto his back. " I am sorry." I whisper into his ear. "No stop. I liked it." Connor groans out. "I know but, maybe I went to hard?" I ask and he shakes my head. "It was good. Just this is normal after the first time. I don't miss it for a second." Connor mumbles out. The back of his head leaning against me. I take some water and put it on his hair. He groans. "How is your stomach after eating?" I ask and he closes his eyes again. After his hair is clean. I just let him enjoy the water. I just keep him company. I touch his legs as he stretches out. To reach out and touch. I stop. I haven't written music in like a few years since depression. What just happened. I had a thought. I start to breath heavy. Not wanting to alert Connor. I keep my eyes closed as I think about things. How he is feeling. I wish I didn't hurt him too much. That he can't walk on Monday. I feel him twitch a little. He fell asleep. Awe my baby. He fell asleep. I smile and rinse my hair out while I slowly lift him up. He groans a little.
"No." He moans out as I gently move him out of the shower. "We can skip the bath and you can sleep. It's only 9 pm and we can just cuddle and shit." I say to him. He nods. "Okay." he mumbles into my chest. I dry him off a little. I then dry myself off as well helping him stand as I dry off. His whole body weight on me. I feel him slip and I grab him and pick him up. He puts his head into my neck. His hair still a little wet. I bring him into the room. I lay him on the bed. Picking the sheets off the ground and covering him up. "Mhhm." Connor says and cuddles into the pillow even more. "Cuddles." Connor moans out. I smile. "In a minute baby." I say and then grab some pants to put them on. "I like you better naked." Connor says and rolls over. "I can't be naked all the time. You hate me then?" I ask as a joke. "Yup." I says popping the p even more. I smile and then get into the bed. "But I mean you are still okay and decent looking." Connor mumbles out. "Oh stop." I say and then move my back towards his. I hum a melody for the kind of lyrics. I kiss his neck and down the back of his neck. I feel him slowly fall asleep and I know that's when I should go and try and sleep too. It's been a great night. Maybe too great.
Guys sorry I haven't been on recently my laptop is dumb so I am trying to get it to work and the chapters messed up a lot. i hope they are all okay. if it doesn't make sense let me know and I'll fix it. I love you all. I can't believe that I have 460 reads on this already it makes me so happy omg. Anyways thank you all and I love you all. *Winks* BYEEEEe

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...