Weeks past and yes Connor has been there for me. I just yell and scream. He keeps his cool. I just can't do it anymore. I miss being popular. I hate not being popular. I know I shouldn't do it. I just need to talk to Tyler. I walk up to him Connor is mad at me right now I am tired of it. "Tyler can we talk for a minute." I say and then look at him. "Yeah." He says. I breathe in. "I miss being popular." I say and he smiles. "Go on." He says and I breathe out. "I want to be popular. I miss it." I say and then he smiles. "Alright there is one thing you have to do for me." Tyler says. I nod then I totally regret it. "You need to hurt Franta. Then you are back in." Tyler says. I then gulp. "What do you mean hurt him?" I ask him and then he smiles. "Tell him something you wouldn't be able to. I will watch. Then if you do good you are back in." Tyler says. I wince and then look at him. "Right now. There he is." Tyler says. I then sigh. I look at my feet and walk up to him. "Hi babe what's up? You seem upset?" Connor asks me. "I wanted to talk to you." I say then he nods. Tyler watching from a distance. "Umm well. You know how we have been fighting right." I say and then he nods. "Yeah I know but, that is what happens right?" Connor asks. "Yeah but, Connor I miss being popular. I want you to do something for me." I say to him. I will regret this so bad. "Yeah what?" He asks scared. "Look at me." I say kind of mad now. He does and I touch his face. He melts into my hand. I slap him then he holds his face. "Troye." He whimpers out. "What." He starts to say. "Do me a favour and kill yourself." I say and then I regret saying it. "What?" He asks me and I have to repeat it. "Go kill yourself. Please. I am done with you." I say and then he looks at me. "What are you talking about?" He asks. "I thought you loved me after all we have been through?" Connor asks me. "No I am tired of your shit." I say. I then walk away. I turn around and see him nod and walk off. "You happy now?" I ask him and he nods. "Good job Mellet good job. Welcome to back." Tyler says. I then look around and I turn around.
School ends. I need life to go on without him. I make my way back home and fall to my bed. I start to cry. "Troye honey what's wrong?" My mom asks. "Hold on." I say and then stand up. I put my shoes on and go to a house I just told to go kill himself. "Connor!" I yell banging on the door. No one home. Then the door unlocks and I walk in. Hearing the water running. I run up to the bathroom the door is closed. "Connor!" I yell and I hear nothing. I hear nothing on the other side of the bathroom. "Connor please." I start to panic. I cry and beg. I then grab something to try and unlock it. I grab a knife. Running up the stairs. I unlock the door and the sight I see is something I never ever want to see in my life. I stop the water the blade in his hand. A note on the wall with his blood. You wanted this didn't you? Then that is it. I reach for my phone and call the ambulance. I have to. I need him to be okay. "I didn't mean it Connor I really didn't mean it." I say out. I need him to be okay. "I need help! Anyone!" I yell and then no one comes. I put pressure on his arm. Nothing works. Nothing works. I then start to breathe heavy. I panic and I feel the pain in my stomach. In my head. In my whole body. "Don't leave me. Please don't leave me." I cry out. I need help. "Please I love you. I love you Connor. I am sorry. "I say and then the police come. Everything going in fast motion. The police talking to me. I don't listen. I don't bother speaking. I stumble and hit my head.
I then wake up in my bed it was a dream? Connor where is he? Is he okay. "Troye you are going to be late for first day of school!" My mom calls. Wait what???? Was it a dream? This was just a goodnight dream? What the song? The love? Connor? Losing everything? This was all just my imaginations or was it???? Or am I still dreaming?
Well that's the end Sorry guys. I love you all. I didn't know what else to do or did I???? OHHHHHHHHHHHHH DRAMA BOMB! Am i going to do something else? OR will this be it? I don't know. Well for the last time............ *winks* Byeeeee <3333333

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...