Connor Joel Franta, the one I bullied for so long is my boyfriend? Is this real life. I stay silent as I clean his face up. My parents I will message them later. I dab the little blood from his nose. For a while it stays silent. I tap his nose a little more. "Owww." Connor says and closes his eyes. "I am sorry." I say and touch his hand to my lips. I kiss his knuckles slowly as I dab his face more. "I know it hurts. It might be like that for a while." I say. He nods. I slowly help him down holding onto his hips a little longer. "How is your stomach?" I ask touching it lightly he looks down at my hand. "Hurts and bruised I bet." Connor says and holds my hand to my stomach. I just look into his eyes. "I don't know if this is a joke or not?" Connor asks. My heart breaks. I don't blame him. I have hurt him for so long and I just ask him to be my boyfriend. I don't blame him to think Tyler is behind this. But for a matter of fact he is not behind this. I am the only one that is behind this. But it's not bad. I finally have my beautiful green eyed boy that I have liked for a while in my hands. My boyfriend. "It's not Con I promise you." I say and his phone dings on the bathroom sink. "She is here." Connor says. I realize I am going to meet Connor's family? Will they like me? Do they know I used to bully their son? I am terrified. "Okay." I say and then take my hand off his stomach. I kiss his cheek a little. "Wait." Connor says. "My parents don't know I am gay." Connor says taking my hand. "Alright. I won't do anything to you." I say and he smiles. "Although I wish I could kiss you." I say and he blushes. I then kiss his cheek. "Noo." He wines and then he kisses my lips full on. I smile into his lips. "You're too cute." I say breaking for a couple seconds. Then another text I stop and he sighs. "She is getting angry let's go." Connor says and we walk hand in hand to the doors slowly, so he doesn't throw up. To be honest I don't feel the best either but, I have to be his hero. I let go of his hand and we walk to see the car that Connor's mom is in. "Hi mom." Connor says looking down so she doesn't see his face. "Connor look at me!" She yells I sit beside him and I look at him. Nudging him to let him know I am here. Connor looks up. "Connor your face!" She yells. "It's not a big deal mom. Can we just get home." Connor says buckling up. "Also mom this is my... friend. Troye. Troye my mom Cheryl. Mom, Troye." Connor says and I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you. Troye." She says and then looks at me again. "Connor." She starts to say. I feel his pain. "Don't mom stop I'm done talking." Connor says and put his head back and closes his eyes. I feel a tear roll down onto my hand. I look over to Connor silently crying. I wish I could just kiss him and tell him everything is okay. I take his head and slowly put it on my chest. He resits for a bit then finally gives in. His head on my chest as I play with his hair. The car stops and I feel Connor's breathing slow down and he is asleep. "Well we are here." Cheryl says. "You head inside and I'll get him." Cheryl says. "No I got him. Mrs.Franta." I say politely. "Troye you can call me Cheryl." She says. I nod. "Alright see you in there." I say and she nods. Opening the car and walking out. Connor slowly moves to my legs and I smile a little. I know I could carry him. "Con hey time to wake up." I say slowly and he groans "5 more minutes." He says and puts his hands over his face. "No come on." I say slowly leaning down to kiss his forehead. He smiles a little. "Ugh." Connor says and throws his hands down and opens his eyes. "Good afternoon sunshine." I say and he smirks a little. "Shut up." Connor mumbles. "Make me." I say and he looks at me. "Oh fuck you." Connor says be cute, be cute. "You would enjoy it too much." I say and he looks at me and glares. He hits my arm lightly. "Shut up." Connor says and he sits up. But he doesn't stop there. He looks and no one around he crawls onto my lap. "I'll make you shut up." Connor says and leans in for a kiss. I stop him and he looks at me. "Oh come on, you are now my boyfriend I should be able to do this anytime to you fucking gorgeous face." Connor says to me. "Later." I say putting a finger on his lips. "But." He says and I stop him. "No but's okay now let me meet your family and shit." I say and he groans. "Fine." He says and the before he opens the door I am about to unbuckle, he kisses my lips. "Ha!" He says and I just roll my eyes. "You are too adorable you know that?" i ask and he looks at me. "Not as adorable as you are." Connor says. "Oh stop." I say. He gets out and I stand next to him. I fix his hair. The touch his nose. "I am ready." I say and Connor looks at me and nods. "Time to meet my family." Connor says walking up to the door. Should I be nervous? Should I be happy? They are good people? Right?

Torn Between Two
FanfictionPopular what really does that mean? I wouldn't know. I'm never labeled. that. I'm labeled the geek. The weird one. Maybe that's why I get picked on all the time. Is it my fashion? Is it the way I speak? Or is it just...... me? Connor a not so popula...